Payment Assistance Programs

We provide bill payment assistance to meet your needs. Scroll down to view a list of energy assistance programs and resources.
Struggling to pay your natural gas bills? We’re here to help.
Sometimes circumstances make it difficult to pay your energy bills. Whether you are faced with temporary or unexpected financial hardship or on a limited income, there are a variety of grants available to help pay your energy bills. NJNG also offers no-interest, flexible payment arrangements to help bring your NJNG account current.
Income guidelines are higher than you might expect. For example, a family of four with a household income of up to $153,514 may qualify. Scroll down to view the income guidelines table and to view individual program information.
Contact us at 800-221-0051 (say “energy assistance” at the prompt) or to learn more about programs, eligibility and how to apply.
2025 Income Guidelines
Household Size
Maximum Income Limits
LIHEAP is a federal program administered by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
It provides a grant applied directly to your utility bill to help pay for heating costs and medically necessary cooling expenses.
The LIHEAP application is also used to apply for the Universal Service Fund program.
Customers with household income at or below 60% of the State Median Income may apply.
You can self-screen to determine your LIHEAP eligibility here.
Apply online or through a CAP agency near you.
Download and print application
Income Eligibility by Household Size
(Monthly Pre-Tax Maximum Limits)
1 = $3,991
2 = $5,219
3 = $6,448
4 = $7,676
5 = $8,904
6 = $10,132
You must apply by June 30 for LIHEAP benefits. Emergency assistance funds are available March 15 to June 30, 2025 while funds last; eligible households can receive up to an $800 credit applied directly to their energy bills.
To apply, contact your state-designated CAP agency.
For eligible customers, USF provides a monthly credit directly to your NJNG bill.
Income eligibility is aligned to LIHEAP, 60% of the median income threshold.
USF helps cover energy costs over 2% or 4% of your income (depending on heat source) up to $2,160 per year.
USF customers will only be able to participate in Fresh Start once in a five-year period. NJNG will screen USF enrollees upon entry into the USF program to determine if they have received Fresh Start during the prior five years. If the customer:
- Has not received Fresh Start during the prior five years; and
- Has an overdue balance of $60 or more, NJNG will automatically enroll the customer into the Fresh Start program.
- Learn more
- You can self-screen to determine your USF eligibility here.
- Apply online or through a CAP agency near you.
- Download and print application
Income Eligibility by Household Size
(Monthly Pre-Tax Maximum Limits)
1 = $3,991
2 = $5,219
3 = $6,448
4 = $7.676
5 = $8,904
6 = $10,132
Lifeline provides a combined annual $225 grant for natural gas and electricity costs to seniors and individuals with disabilities.
The program is administered by the Department of Human Services.
Eligible customers must be a N.J. resident, age 65 or older or between ages 18 and 64 and receiving Social Security Disability benefits.
For 2025, income limits are set at less than $53,446 for a single person or at $60,690 if married.
Through SHARES, grants are available to assist income-qualified households who are experiencing an unanticipated financial crisis. Eligibility depends on the customer's financial needs and their history of making good faith payments with their natural gas and electric utility companies. These grants can provide up to $700 and $500 per each utility to reconnect or continue their service.
You can self-screen to determine your eligibility here. Click on the links below to apply for the specific program:
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Payment Assistance for Gas and Electric (NJBPU PAGE) Program Application
NJ SHARES Energy Assistance Grant Application
NJ SHARES SMART Utility Assistance Program Application
Income Eligibility by Household Size
(Monthly Pre-Tax Limits)
NJ SHARES Energy Assistance Grant |
1 = $3,992 - $5,217 |
1 = $0 - $6,652 |
2 = $5,220 - $7,050 |
2 = $0 - $8,699 |
3 = $6,449 - $8,883 |
3 = $0 - $10,746 |
4 = $7,677 - $10,717 |
4 = $0 - $12,793 |
5 = $8,905 - $12,550 |
5 = $0 - $14,840 |
6 = $10,133 - $14,383 |
6 = $0 - $16,887 |
NJNG's GOW fund provides a one-time grant of up to $500 to help households unanticipated financial hardship reconnect or continue their natural gas service.
Start your application process today; click here.
Call 800-221-0051 and say "energy assistance" at the prompt.
WEATHERIZATION PROGRAMS (Improving Energy Efficiency)
This is a free home energy improvement and education program for qualified low-income households.
Certified contractors will install free energy-saving measures in your home to help lower energy bills.
Comfort Partners is available to any N.J. household with significant energy use, with household income at or below specific limits.
Click here for more information, eligibility requirements and to apply.
The program assists eligible elderly, handicapped and low-income individuals in weatherizing their homes, improving their heating system efficiency and helping them save energy.
The Home Weatherization Program for eligible moderate-income customers from SAVEGREEN is the first step to improving the efficiency and comfort of your home.
Once qualified, you can receive up to $14,000* in weatherization measures to help reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable all year long. The program starts with a no-cost energy assessment to identify energy-saving opportunities in your home, and may include insulation, air sealing and other energy-saving measures.
Click here to learn more, for eligibility requirements and to apply.
*Terms and conditions apply. You must be a NJNG residential customer whose primary residence is a single- or in a multi-family dwelling with up to three units. You must own your home for a minimum of one year. Homes 0-5 years old or under a builder’s warranty are excluded. If you’re a renter, you must obtain consent from your landlord. Both renters and homeowners must meet the income guidelines. Visit for more information.