What transportation billing options does New Jersey Natural Gas provide?
-- Utility consolidated billing
-- Dual billing
-- Supplier consolidated billing
New Jersey Natural Gas requires service agreements for Interruptible Service (IS) transportation. Where can I get more information?
- Send an email request to InterruptibleSalesService@njng.com for Interruptible Service (IS) information.
What pipeline does New Jersey Natural Gas accept gas on?
- Texas Eastern.
How can a natural gas supplier nominate gas for their customer pool?
An eligible supplier can access our Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) to nominate natural gas, access information on the current status of your nominations and confirm deliveries. A supplier must sign into the EBB using a previously supplied user/ID and password.
How do suppliers nominate gas for the various commercial service classifications?
It depends on the service classification.
A supplier is responsible for managing the customer's natural gas usage and nominating an appropriate amount of natural gas for customers under Firm Transportation (FT) and Interruptible Service (IS) transport classifications. The supplier is also cashed out on a monthly basis on their aggregate FT and IS pool. Both these service classifications are designed for larger volume commercial and industrial customers. A daily Automatic meter reading (AMR) device is required on FT and IS meters.
Under General Service Large (GSL) transport service, New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG) supplies both transportation and balancing service. On a monthly basis, NJNG provides daily required nominations for a supplier’s aggregate pool of customers using its balancing service. Daily required nominations are provided for GSL as well as General Service Small (GSS) and Residential Service (RS) transport accounts.
How can a natural gas supplier obtain customer usage history?
The customer's account number is a required field to obtain a customer's usage history.
EDI suppliers must request usage history through EDI according to EDI protocols.
A non-EDI supplier can obtain customer usage history through our Electronic Bulletin Board using a previously supplied user/ID and password.
What gas transportation service classifications of customers can a gas supplier enroll electronically (EDI and non-EDI)?
Residential Service (RS)
General Service Small (GSS)
General Service Large (GSL)EDI supplier submits SCR, RT and CTB in one file according to EDI protocols
Non-EDI suppliers submit files to SupplierRelationsConsultant@NJResources.com.Firm Transportation (FT) and
Interruptible Service (IS)FT and IS accounts can only be enrolled by submitting a separate file to SupplierRelationsConsultant@NJResources.com.