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understanding energy costs

Your Natural Gas Bill

Colder Temps are Here and So is Increased Energy Usage

Colder weather is here. As temperatures drop, you may notice an increase in the amount of energy you’re using to keep your home comfortable.

But just how cold has it been in New Jersey? Very cold! In fact, it is turning out to be one of the coldest winters in nearly a decade. December 2024 was 22% colder than December 2023. This January temperatures were more than 20% colder than January 2024. And February continued on that same colder trend. Falling temps mean you’re using more natural gas — this can impact your energy bills.

Let’s break it down:
  • The colder it gets the more your heating system works to heat and maintain a comfortable temperature in your home — while you spend more time indoors.
  • Heat can escape through cracks, gaps and poorly insulated areas, making it harder to stay warm.
  • It takes more energy for your water heater to warm the water to meet your everyday needs.
NJNG also had a rate increase in November to recover on the costs of the investments to our system. These investments ensure safe, reliable service and our ability to deliver the energy you need to heat your home and operate your business, especially during the coldest days.

See below to understand what makes up the total cost of your natural gas bill.

Energy-Saving Tips

Programs to Help Manage Your Energy Bills

We understand the impact energy costs can have on your household budget and we’re here to connect you with energy assistance and payment options. Here are some ways to help manage your energy bills this season.

Resources to Help Manage Your Energy Use

We’re committed to providing you with the tools and resources to help you take control of your energy usage. We’ve got you covered with budget-friendly solutions that best meet your individual needs.

About Your Bill