Meter Accessibility
Keep Your Natural Gas Meter Accessible
Building over a natural gas meter is illegal – and dangerous. By law, residential and commercial builders MUST NOT build any structure, including a deck or patio, on top of, or around, an outside natural gas meter and underground service line (see illustration below). We will work with homeowners and builders to find a safe relocation solution prior to construction. Otherwise, we are required by law to terminate natural gas service to any customer whose construction activities are deemed unsafe.
If you feel your natural gas meter is in an unsafe location, such as too close to a driveway or under a deck, call us at 800-221-0051 and say "meter" when prompted. An NJNG representative will then schedule an appointment to look at your meter.Please keep the area surrounding your meter free of overgrown plants or obstructions, including:
- Planting bushes and trees too close
- Boxing the meter in with wood, composite materials, etc.
- Back-filling or changing the soil grade can restrict access to your meter, and prevent our meter readers and technicians from accessing your service line valve and meter during routine maintenance and in case of an emergency.